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Yuval Shalom.

Passionate Frontend Developer

Frontend Developer who transforms ideas into stunning web applications by day and scores goals on the football field by night.

About Me.

With 3 years of experience in web development, I turn caffeine into code, and bugs into features! When I'm not obsessing over pixels, I'm out on the field playing football as a winger for Hapoel Tel Aviv. Who knew balancing JavaScript and a football could be so much fun? My life revolves around clean code and scoring goals. Whether it's fixing a tricky bug or maneuvering past defenders, I bring my A-game to both the screen and the field.

Technologies I've worked with:

Download CV


  • Full Stack Developer
    Startup Booster

    Led frontend development for a payment processing system using React.

    Improved user accessibility and experience on the Hadassah Hospital web platform through responsive design and the implementation of dynamic accessibility features.

  • Full Stack Developer
    Reserve Duty (IDF)

    Developed a sophisticated web-based intelligence analysis platform.

    Implemented dynamic user interfaces with React.

  • Mobile Application Developer
    IronSource (Unity)

    Transitioned from frontend to mobile development, mastering Unity3D, Android, and iOS.

    Developed an automatic release process using Jenkins and Fastlane.

    Created "Alpha Package" tool in Unity3D for easier SDK implementation and testing.

  • Full Stack Developer
    Flashdev Training Program

    Basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES6), Vue.js, Vuex, Quasar framework, Node.js, Express.js.

    Worked with NoSQL databases like Firebase and collaborated using BitBucket and Jira.

Key Projects.

Ligat Haal X, Interactive Grid

Developed a dynamic web app displaying an interactive grid of football team logos, with a player search functionality using Next.js and TailwindCSS. Integrated Prisma ORM with Azure SQL Server for database management and deployed on Vercel. Implemented server-side rendering, API routes, and cron jobs for weekly data cache updates

Next.jsTailwindCSSPrismaAzure SQL ServerVercel

this website

Built a personal portfolio website using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. Implemented SEO optimization and a responsive design

Next.jsTailwind CSSTypeScript

Startup Booster - Incharge Payment Processing System

Led the frontend development using React, integrating multiple payment methods like DTS and Multipass to enhance the payment experience.


Startup Booster - Hadassah Hospital Web Platform

Improved user experience and accessibility by implementing responsive design and dynamic features, ensuring compliance with accessibility standards.


IronSource - Mobile Development

Transitioned to mobile development, mastering Unity3D, Android, and iOS. Developed an automatic release process and created the "Alpha Package" tool for easier SDK implementation and testing.


Flash-Media Scheduler

Built the foundation and design using CSS, Vue.js, and Quasar Framework. Implemented Vuex for state management and Firebase for real-time data synchronization.



Developed a social app with CSS, Vue.js, Vuex, and Firebase. Created functionalities for posting, liking, commenting, and real-time updates to deliver a seamless social media experience


Keep in touch.

If you have any questions or just want to say hi, feel free to reach out to me.